Monday, June 17, 2013

lpg regulator how it works

lpg regulator how it works

LPG gas regulators have a small diaphragm, which monitors the pressure of the gas passing through a small needle. If the needle pushes too hard on the diaphragm, it releases a spring which closes the valve and stops the gas. If the pressure of the gas is just right, the valve will remain open

Devices which regulate propane fuel flow are called as propane regulators. Since the regulator (also referred to as a vaporizer) is such an important device in any LPG gas system, it is crucial to know how the regulator works. 

Propane tank contains a flammable liquid that is usually pumped from a larger tank into smaller one. Since the gas is a liquid under pressure that will become a lighter-than-air substance when being consumed, therefore it can build to a very high pressure. The pressure must then be regulated as it exists the tank otherwise it will rupture hoses or create a substantial explosion. Because of this pressure regulator is used so that the liquid in the tank can be dispensed for a safe and efficient consumption. 

Most regulators you see today have a simple and proven diaphragm, spring and lever system. Because of this ingenious mechanism, the propane gas could be delivered consistently to the appliance regardless of tank pressure or the aeffect of related weather conditions.

Materials used to make these regulators need to resist the formation of sparks. Aluminum and brass are the metals used  in the construction of the regulator. These metals are used because they are generally resistant to sparking. Propane and sparks can lead to a deadly combination. There is also a chance of generation of sparks when you are trying to tighten the fittings. That is why it is very important to choose materials which do not readily generate sparks.

Most regulators we see today look as if they were modeled from a flying saucer, and this design contains the interior controlling diaphragm. If you notice at the center and top of the saucer, there is a round cap which contains the pressure spring.

Generally all these regulators will emit a working gas preissure in the area of less than 1 lb and it can be measured on a gauge. That can be accomplished because of the diaphragm that is attached to the inside of the alumminum saucer. The diaghragm itself is a rubber disc designed to move and flex whenever the applied pressure from the cylinder changes. The pressure spring inside will ride against the diaphragm and helps to control the exiting gas. That can be done because there is a force of the spring against this diaphragm to exert a back pressure, and this back pressure will retard the flow of the high-pressure gas in the tank.

The vent is also an important part of the regulator. If the pressure become excessive, the regulator vents off the excess pressure through the regulator vent, rather than sending the excess pressure to the appliance. When installing a regulator, make sure that the vent is facing down and under cover to prevent dirt, rain and moisture as well as snow from entering the vent.

There are also regulators which have a removable cap so that the spring inside can be replaced to allow for different pressures exitting on the outlet side of the regulator. Generally, the lighter the spring, the greater the pressure will be coming from the regulators, and the stronger the spring, then the lower the gas pressure on the exit side. For those who are using the modern full-sized outdoor cooking grill (which there may be more than one burner used), a slightly higher pressures of propane will be needed.


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